On 4 and 5 July 2022, partners from the Consortium had a face-to-face meeting at Vigo, Spain, hosted by AIMEN, with the possibility to attend online for those who could not be there in person.
The meeting marked the 18th month of DOMMINIO’s full operations and aimed at sharing the project’s progress so far as derived from the partners’ collaborative work. The participants spent two days presenting and discussing their work, results, and deliverables. Exceptional brainstorming took place during the project’s steering committee session, when the technical work packages of the project were discussed, reveling room for further collaboration between partners, issues that might occur later in the project’s lifetime and possible solutions. The overall management and progress of the project as well as the project communication and dissemination activities featured also prominently on the agenda.
During the second day, AIMEN organized a tour on their facilities, giving all partners the opportunity to see in person the equipment used and actual DOMMINIO work in progress!