National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" (INCAS) is the leading research establishment in aerospace sciences in Romania and has more than 70 years tradition in aerospace engineering, flow physics and applied aerodynamics. It exploits state-of-the-art technologies and owns unique infrastructure of national strategic importance. INCAS has been involved in all major national aeronautical projects for civil and military areas, and currently is acting as a major player in EU policy for R&D development under FlightPath 2050 vision and future Horizon Europe program.
Key assets for the project:
INCAS leads WP1 “Manufacturing systems specifications and conceptual design Framework”. This work package will set the basis towards the development of the different engineering and materials systems that will be developed within DOMMINIO. Specifically, INCAS contribution is as follows:
- Define the specifications of the selected airframe parts (WP1)
- Define and develop the collaborative MDO framework for the integration of the DOMMINIO data-driven pipeline (WP1)
- Assess and establish a baseline of currently applied MRO methods and will describe SoA methods and practices currently used for designing and maintenance of aircraft structures (WP1)
- Integrate the numerical models and sensors data with together with ESI in order to be able to address the MDO problem from the simulation perspective (WP6)
- Provide a comprehensive description of the MRO evolution. These results are MRO upgrades of current methods applied by ACITURRI (WP7)